Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Solar panels are now common sense

Why are solar panels common sense today? Adapting to external forces is what solar panels offer. Today, astute people are adapting to homeworking by installing PV.

The era of cheap energy is now a long distant memory. Self-generation can no longer be pigeonholed into the green agenda. In the last few years, adoption has grown exponentially by people cushioning themselves from future waves.

Times have changed and so have attitudes to solar panels. Today, photovoltaic technology comes with new generation tariffs averaging 4.5 pence per unit.

Since its conception in April 2010, the PV export tariff, which pays households for surplus power, and has been a fantastic success for the UK’s PV industry. As is battery storage, tank heating, and electric vehicle charging too.

New aspirations, jobs, and world-leading regulations have made Britain a global forerunner in free electric vehicle charging. PV solar panels as a technological adaption is a once-in-a-lifetime purchase for the savviest homeowner. Independent energy generation (as I prefer to call it) is the fastest-growing industry in recent times.

At a time, when households are stretched with their ‘lockdown’ energy costs, reducing reliance on traditional energy is not just common sense, but ‘essential work’. This uncertain world we now find ourselves ‘working at home’ within, can only be soothed by self-generating our own power – long into the future. The green agenda was always a smokescreen to deflect from how awesome solar panels really are.

Keeping you locked up into dependency was the real agenda!

Ensure you get enough Vitamin D through sunshine, that’s just common sense, but enjoy the sense of breaking-free that photovoltaic systems can offer today. Today, we stand on the edge of a new chapter in the human pursuit of freedom. Dismissing PV technology is short-sighted, especially in this newish normal.

New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, 44 Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.