Power My Home solar panels in the UK.


Hi Elrin

Yes, the problem will be the size of an evacuated solar tubes array. Too large to fit on a narrowboat, sadly.

Vandalism, as glass tubes in the reach of teenagers, maybe too much temptation to handle.

PV solar panels on a swivel mounting are more common on boats, so if you have a 120 litres water tank, then maybe a PV heating converter connected to your coil may be an option.

Speak to iBoost manufacturer to see if this is viable, if so, please come back and let us know how you got on with that line of enquiry.

Hope this helps.

New world savvy.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.