Its the Law of Unintended Consequences.
When they FIT scheme was devised there was no requirement for systems up to 4 KPW to have an export meter.
It was agreed that the exported amount would be deemed to be 50% of that generated.
So the Energy companies built this into their FIT payment systems.
Now what is happening with the old magnetic meters is when their is a flow of electrons out of the house it moves the magnetic dial in the opposite direction reducing the KWH reading.
An “Untended Consequence” of installing a pv system
If the Energy Companies leave the old meter in the customer is getting 50% export allowance PLUS his meter reading is being reduced. A double benefit.
That’s why the Energy companies will change the meter asap.
There is a legal requirement on all FIT applications for the FIT recipient to inform the Energy Company immediately they notice the meter turning backwards.
Hope this helps.