Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Why PV solar export tariffs?

Yet another round of increasing energy prices. Either switch tariffs, wear a jumper, or invest in solar panels!

These are the options to shield yourself today. The future of energy in the UK is uncertain, but what’s certain is suppliers can’t guarantee prices. Those that can afford should contemplate alternative ways to shield – long-term.

The privatisation of the UK’s energy sectors declared every British household as a cash cow. The ability to use Switch Sites can only be considered an illusion of choice! The current ‘switching tariffs’ offerings, reminds me of the 3 cups Tick Tack Toe game. A game of finding the lowest tariff as energy suppliers shuffle and change their offerings around.

You’re never meant to beat the system that’s designed to always be in their house’s favour! Bungling government policies and Switch Sites have kick-started the PV solar panel revolution. With today’s PV export tariffs supporting the PV solar industry, a great solution for helping people reduce dependency on traditional energy costs – long-term.

So why the hesitancy to move towards a PV-powered home? The cash cows have literally discovered a hole in the fence and into the freedom of greener pastures.

Escape the government’s energy privatisation policies of the last four decades, while upsetting the shareholders of the Big Six energy corporations. Simple! Be a homeowner no longer chasing the lowest tariffs like a dog chasing its tail. This game of chase the lowest tariff, instigated by private business and now supported by the political process is designed to subvert the herd!

The whole switching process is like a farmer moving cattle from one pen to another. A system controlling an illusion of movement and choice! The adoption of alternative methods such as PV solar panels is a full paradigm shift for the home. The fact that energy corps don’t want self-generation as the reverse in the balance of power is obvious.

PV solar export tariffs caused a rush of installations and finally create a framework for self-generation adoption. Join the party or decide to protect corporate shareholders and remain within the safety of the herd. Not everyone will be able to afford a solar panel installation, but some may want to start a three-decade service life of energy saving. That’s thirty years of pain-free energy bills and generating revenue from your surplus.

Switching to solar panels is the only permanent way to beat the Tick Tack Toe.

A better way.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, 44 Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.