Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

Solar panels and national security

I’m going to lambast a useless Prime Minister. Solar panel incentives are under threat from David Cameron. His “Greenest Government Ever” was an empty election pledge! Under the influence of foreign-owned energy lobbyists, Mr. Cameron changed his rhetoric to “getting rid of all this green crap”!

The problem is our economic war with Russia continues. Russia’s energy dominance over Europe’s energy is problematic, especially as NATO continually pokes The Great Bear. Resource wars are here to stay and just as dangerous as the Soviet era.

Russia successfully probes our coastlines with bombers as a signal to stop the economic embargo and plunging of global oil prices. We are currently in a third world war by proxy by attacking Russia’s Allie Syria. Putin, an infamous chess player, is already three moves ahead. And there is the ‘national security issue’ and why solar panels are required to help de-centralise power generation.

20th-century power-generators are a big fat sitting target for Russia’s bombers, who never forgave for contributing to the Soviet Union’s economic demise. So, with this intelligence at the Prime Ministerial desk, why is the United Kingdom pursuing an energy policy that leaves the United Kingdom exposed to 21st-century threats.

The weakest link in our National Grid in wartime is our power stations.

I suggest The internet’s resilience can be copied with power generation and adding PV solar panels into the mix. Denmark recently reached 40% in its national power requirements through alternative technologies. A strategy that protects utilities in the event of future aggression.

A valuable lesson learned by Denmark after the world wars. After all, a desperate population is a more submissive population – a strategy used by the Nazi machine. If The Reich removed our power generators, then the outcome would’ve been very different.

I’m not suggesting photovoltaic solar panels are the complete answer, but a nation with PV installed has a lot more ‘stretch’ than a country reliant on easily-targeted power stations alone.

Traditional energy lobbyists taint your judgment!

You said you’re proud of Winson Churchill, but would he disregard technological advancements?

Maybe you’ve been promised a ‘good little earner’ when you leave Downing Street, or perhaps not, only time will tell, but your condemnation of solar panel technology is adding to national vulnerability.

Even Saudi Arabia are investing 100 billion in alternative technologies.

Your judgment now seems inadequate at best or self-serving at worse!

The fact is, people haven’t bought solar panels for green reasons in a long time. They install because they’re worried about the exponentially rising costs of powering their homes. Today’s installed PV solar panels will still generate power to the grid. You’ll be a distant memory Mr. Cameron, but your legacy will be questionable.

More foresighted nations are already growing their photovoltaic solar panel capacities.

Even Margaret Thatcher acknowledged the dangers of “global warming” and “the way we use energy” in her 1982 “magnitude of the challenge we face” speech.

Hugging a husky for votes was a low act! The greatest leaders embrace challenge – no matter what the magnitude. At some point in history, a tribal leader instructed his hungry tribe to save food for planting. That one small act of foresight and wisdom spawned the agricultural revolution.

With or without you, were sowing the seeds of a solar energy revolution. We need a wartime effort of change to gain ‘flexibility’ in our nation’s power grid. Investing today for the benefit of tomorrow is paramount for national and personal security.

Mr. Cameron, by deliberately removing PV solar incentives, you completely missed the point!

A better way.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy geopolitical world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, 44 Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.