Power My Home solar panels in the UK.

PV solar costs and prices in the UK

We have always encouraged people to get an installation while the going is good. Many listened and now enjoy the benefits that solar panels offer. Installing PV solar panels (photovoltaic) on your roof is a no-brainer in today’s world.

Unfortunately for most, the benefits of a PV solar system are not yet tuned. Many are locked into the mindset that Energy Switch Sites is the answer! The golden age of cheap traditional energy has been over for two decades now.

Despite this, early adopters acknowledge PV tech’s role in their 21st-century power mix.

As do China geopolitically, as they aggressively take control of rare-earth metal resources that are vital for the manufacture of photovoltaic panels. This clever strategic maneuvering has run alongside a campaign of dumping ‘below cost’ photovoltaic solar panels into the UK’s market.

This has driven down the costs of installing for homeowners. A strategy designed to put western manufacturers out of business through anti-competitive practices.

Add into the mix PV tariff incentives and the cost of installing is gradually recouped.

It’s about taking back personal control of the energy issue and no-longer lured into a cycle of ‘Switching’. The importance of solar panels as a future for self-generation should be evident.

PV-adopters are way ahead of the curve – strategically.

I’d conclude that the ‘dumping of below cost‘ solar panels is great today, not so much for the cost of installing for later adopters. However, great it may seem today, this situation will undoubtedly lead to dominance and a monopoly in the making! The United Kingdom could be left vulnerable at a time when homeowner energy expenditure will be far higher.

Unfortunately, Western democratic states can’t see past the next general election, strategically, and this leaves the UK’s solar industry vulnerable!

A European ‘import tariff’ and the rising cost of ‘rare Earth metals’ will eventually increase.

Essentially, the current price of solar panels won’t last forever!

Being an early adopter of photovoltaic panels has many perks. Paying ‘below the cost of manufacture’ is currently one of them.

A better way.

"I've witnessed many fantastic changes, innovations, and installation companies come and go. My fellowship with ethically-minded MCS solar panel installers goes back decades. Today, I offer my experience to ensure you gain real independence from this crazy world."

Stuart Lovatt
Power My Home Solar Panels
Sundial House, 44 Panton Road, Chester CH2 3HX.
01244 722 607

Est. 2004.